租車指南 ·
2022-07-18 19:07:03
Taiwan Driving Guide: How To Get Driver's License? 外國旅客申請台灣國際駕照流程
後疫情時代,自駕遊成為一種流行的旅遊方式,不僅可以避開擁擠的公眾交通系統,掌握旅程的自由度也更高。想來台灣自駕旅遊的外國旅客,記得收藏此篇並提前做好準備,下次來台灣旅遊記得準備好國際駕照,並選擇 Udrive 體驗最棒的特斯拉租賃!
- 停留 30 天以內 - 若您的國家是屬於與台灣互惠的國家,只需準備事先在您國家申請好的《國際駕照》、《國內駕照》及《護照》,就可以在台灣合法租車與駕駛上路!
- 停留 1 年以內 - 到台灣公路監理機關申請國際駕駛執照,需準備以下文件:
- 居留證正本
- 護照正本
- 互惠國所發正式有效之外國國際駕照正本
- 互惠國所發正式有效之外國當地駕照正本
- 本人最近兩年內拍攝之正面半身彩色照片 1 吋照片 1 張
- 身分證明文件正本及影印本
- 本人最近兩年內拍攝之正面半身彩色照片 1 吋照片 3 張
- 護照正本及影本
- 有效期限內的外國駕照正本及影本(須申請驗證)。
- 通過體檢
- 駕駛執照申請書
- 出入境證明
If you hold a driving license in your own country, there are a couple of ways you can get road-ready for Taiwan:
- You can apply for an international drivers license
If you’re staying in Taiwan for less than a year and have a license from your own country, you can apply for an international driver’s license. The exact procedure for this varies depending on the agreement Taiwan has with your home country. In some cases, you may have first had to obtain an international driving permit from your home country. You may be able to do this at your country’s representative office in Taiwan or you may have to apply before you travel.
In the case of some countries, registration must be completed at the DMV. To do so, you’ll need the following:
- Passport, Taiwan ID, or ARC
- Three two-inch color passport photos
- Your driving license
- Copy of passport (to verify name in English)
- Fee: NT$250
- You can exchange your license for a local one
If you’re lucky, you might be from a country that has a reciprocal driver’s license agreement from Taiwan. The DMV’s official website lists all of these agreements by region. In some cases, you might be able to drive in Taiwan using your foreign license for 30 days after your arrival.
If you are eligible to exchange your foreign license for a local one. You’ll need to bring the following to a DMV office in Taiwan:
- Identity documents (original and photocopy):
- National ID Card (Only applies to Taiwanese nationals with registered households in Taiwan)
- An ARC with total validity of over six months
- Three one-inch color photos that were taken within the past two years
- Original passport and photocopy
- Valid overseas driving license and photocopy
- Automobile driving license registration form and completed health examination
- Proof of entry/exit record
- The NT$200 application fee
Be aware that if your original license was issued in a language other than English or Chinese, you will need to have it translated into Chinese and verified by the Taipei representative office in your country. Once you are issued a local driver’s license, it will be valid for a total of six years.
看完有沒有更了解如何申請國際駕照呢?不管您是國內還是外國旅客,只要照上述規定及流程申請,就可以輕鬆在當地租車囉!Udrive 特斯拉租賃除了國內旅客喜愛,至今也有許多持國際駕照來使用的外國遊客,反饋都一極棒!趕快趁這波夏季優惠預訂,台灣的美好等著你去體會✨
Rent a Tesla on Udrive and you will have a wonderful trip❤️ Welcome to Taiwan!